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Judo Connect
10 months ago
Choosing the right platform for a judo club's online presence is crucial for its growth and community engagement. While Facebook is a popular and versatile social network, Judo Connect offers specific advantages tailored to the needs and aspirations of judo clubs. Here are three main reasons why Judo Connect is a better choice for a judo club compared to using Facebook as their primary social network:
Neyland Judo Club
3 months ago
Judo is on tonight!

It's not all about the throwing and the landing, sometimes it's just about having fun!

Dragons and Judo Tots 6:00pm - 6:45pm

Juniors 6:45pm - 8:00pm

If you'd like some more info, drop us a message!
Retford Judo Club
3 months ago
The juniors started, as always, with some exercises to begin warming up which was followed by their breakfalls and stretching finished with cartwheels. This evening they went back to the beginning of the syllabus to support our recent new starters who are just starting their judo journey. They were split into pairs with a more experienced player working with a starter before a demonstration of Osoto Otoshi was shown. They then moved off to practice. They used the safety mats for landing to help make the landings a little ‘softer!’ After some time with this a demonstration of Kesa gatame foll
Bradley Stoke Judo Club
5 months ago
Travelling to comps are not all glamour for the players, Coaches and parents.Nick left his house at 1.45am Saturday morning to get to Luton Airport for the 6am flight. Oriol mum drove them to the airport. They arrived in Berlin at 9am and spent the day getting everything sorted before the fights on the Sunday.
Sunday came Competition day with all of the stresses which goes with does days 2 fights won and 1 loss . Focus returned to checking out and making their way back to the airport .
Landing back in the UK before midnight and Nick getting home at 2 am Monday morning ready for work in a few
Dominic King Judo MMA Academy
5 months ago
8 stages of uchi mata

1. Resistance
2. Movement
3. Kuzushi (unbalancing the opponent).
4. Connection/contact
5. Tip & lift
6. Rotation
7. Landing/breakfall
8. Recovery (prevention of over rotation)/transition to ne-waza)
#uchimata #8steps #resistance #movement #kuzushi #unbalance #connection #contact #tip #lift #rotation #landing #breakfall #recovery #transition #newaza #ashiwaza #judothrow #judo #judô #ippon #judotraining #nagekomi #randori #judoclub #thekingsofjudo #traditionalmartialarts #judotechnique #judoippon #judogallery
Wrekin Star Judo Club
5 months ago
I know we have some budding artist 🎨

Deadline extended to Friday 22nd March

📣 Calling all junior members. There is still time to enter our Safeguarding Competition
Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk
Closing date: Friday 22nd March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Bedminster Judokwai
5 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
St Albans Judo Club
6 months ago
If any of our youngsters are feeling artistic...

📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Bedminster Judokwai
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Sankaikuni Judo Club
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Sankaikuni Judo Club
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Ryedale Judo Club
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Retford Judo Club
6 months ago
This weeks started with the juniors completing their warmup, stretches and breakfalls before moving onto the first part of their session. This took the form of a demonstration of how and where to place the feet for Tai otoshi. The juniors practiced this firstly individually then with a partner and finally as a complete throw. The safety mats were used to help cushion the repeated landings. Then they moved onto Kesa gatame and then combined this with the throw before demonstrating their efforts in front of everyone. We can report that there were some good examples shown indicating good progre
Retford Judo Club
6 months ago
This week saw the club’s annual presentation evening but before that there was some judo to be done. The session was slightly shorter than usual but followed the same format, a warmup followed by some stretching and then breakfalls and also the popular and improving cartwheels. Tai otoshi was demonstrated with emphasis on foot placement by Tori and the need for a good breakfall by Uke. The juniors then went on to practice this in a round robin and using the safety mats to lessen the impact of all the landings.
They then moved on to the presentation of trophies and the well earned accolades we
Retford Judo Club
6 months ago
As part of their warmup the junior session started with some relay races including exercises then their breakfalls before finishing with cartwheels. For their technical element Ippon seoi Nage was demonstrated, initially from a kneeling position with emphasis on where the arm is placed and on the pulling and rotation forces. After some practice this was then progressed a standing position using safety mats for the landings. Further progression was made making a combination with Seoi toshi. The older players practiced to left and right whilst the younger players concentrated on good position an
Retford Judo Club
6 months ago
The junior session welcomed back Tumas back onto the mat after breaking a toe at a recent competition which has kept him out of action. They started their session by warming up, stretching and completing their breakfalls before finishing with more cartwheels. All slowly improving. The session worked on Uke goshi with emphasis on the body’s position and not confusing this throw with Ogoshi. Whilst the younger players worked on these elements and using the safety mats for landing the older players were encouraged to work left and right handed. They moved on to the hold down Kuzure kesa gatame a
Retford Judo Club
6 months ago
The juniors started their session with warmup exercises, stretches and balance exercises. This was followed with their breakfalls and finally some cartwheels which they are getting more confident at. The session was a follow on from last week working with Ippon Seoi Nage and Seoi Toshi. Each technique was practiced individually and then as a combination. The safety mats were used to help ease the impact of the continual landings. The younger players concentrated on the throws using their dominant grips whilst the older players practiced both left and right hand. They finished off their sessio
Higham and Rushden Judo club
6 months ago
Deadline extended to Friday 22nd March

📣 Calling all junior members. There is still time to enter our Safeguarding Competition
Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk
Closing date: Friday 22nd March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Dominic King Judo MMA Academy
6 months ago
8 stages of uchi mata

1. Resistance
2. Movement
3. Kuzushi (unbalancing the opponent).
4. Connection/contact
5. Tip & lift
6. Rotation
7. Landing/breakfall
8. Recovery (prevention of over rotation)/transition to ne-waza)
#uchimata #8steps #resistance #movement #kuzushi #unbalance #connection #contact #tip #lift #rotation #landing #breakfall #recovery #transition #newaza #ashiwaza #judothrow #judo #judô #ippon #judotraining #nagekomi #randori #judoclub #thekingsofjudo #traditionalmartialarts #judotechnique #judoippon #judogallery
Bedminster Judokwai
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Higham and Rushden Judo club
6 months ago
Deadline extended to Friday 22nd March

📣 Calling all junior members. There is still time to enter our Safeguarding Competition
Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk
Closing date: Friday 22nd March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Dominic King Judo MMA Academy
6 months ago
8 stages of uchi mata

1. Resistance
2. Movement
3. Kuzushi (unbalancing the opponent).
4. Connection/contact
5. Tip & lift
6. Rotation
7. Landing/breakfall
8. Recovery (prevention of over rotation)/transition to ne-waza)
#uchimata #8steps #resistance #movement #kuzushi #unbalance #connection #contact #tip #lift #rotation #landing #breakfall #recovery #transition #newaza #ashiwaza #judothrow #judo #judô #ippon #judotraining #nagekomi #randori #judoclub #thekingsofjudo #traditionalmartialarts #judotechnique #judoippon #judogallery
Bedminster Judokwai
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Retford Judo Club
6 months ago
The juniors started their session with warmup exercises, stretches and balance exercises. This was followed with their breakfalls and finally some cartwheels which they are getting more confident at. The session was a follow on from last week working with Ippon Seoi Nage and Seoi Toshi. Each technique was practiced individually and then as a combination. The safety mats were used to help ease the impact of the continual landings. The younger players concentrated on the throws using their dominant grips whilst the older players practiced both left and right hand. They finished off their sessio
Higham and Rushden Judo club
6 months ago
Deadline extended to Friday 22nd March

📣 Calling all junior members. There is still time to enter our Safeguarding Competition
Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk
Closing date: Friday 22nd March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Bedminster Judokwai
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Higham and Rushden Judo club
6 months ago
Deadline extended to Friday 22nd March

📣 Calling all junior members. There is still time to enter our Safeguarding Competition
Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk
Closing date: Friday 22nd March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
St Albans Judo Club
6 months ago
If any of our youngsters are feeling artistic...

📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Sankaikuni Judo Club
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Samurai J C
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design
Ryedale Judo Club
6 months ago
📣 Calling all junior members. Get your creative juices flowing and be in with the chance of winning a signed GB Judo t-shirt by designing the front cover for our revised BJA Safeguarding Policy - Safelandings

Email your design to - safeguardingbritishjudo.org.uk or post to: Safeguarding, British Judo Association, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall, WS1 3BD

Closing date: Monday 4th March

The competition will be judged by the British Judo Young Leaders Group
#EmbraceJudo #Safelandings #judo #Design

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