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Judo Connect
1 yr. ago
Choosing the right platform for a judo club's online presence is crucial for its growth and community engagement. While Facebook is a popular and versatile social network, Judo Connect offers specific advantages tailored to the needs and aspirations of judo clubs. Here are three main reasons why Judo Connect is a better choice for a judo club compared to using Facebook as their primary social network:
Ray Stevens Academy
6 months ago
Well done to all the kids who got graded on Tuesday with Tom & Serena, & on Thursday with Roberto, Serena & Georgia for the Summer Term 🤗🩷

Hope you all have a fantastic summer and come back to the Academy well rested and ready to collect even more stripes 💪🏼😁

grapplerbucky robalmeidaacademy serenaablett georgiaabletttt
#bjj #BJJKids #BJJKidsClasses #BJJKidsTraining #BJJKidsGrading #BJJGrading #BJJLife #BJJLifestyle #BJJFamily #BJJBelts #BJJStripes #London #Wimbledon #RaynesPark #NewMalden #Merton #RayStevensAcademyBJJ #raystevensacademy

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