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Judo Connect
1 yr. ago
Choosing the right platform for a judo club's online presence is crucial for its growth and community engagement. While Facebook is a popular and versatile social network, Judo Connect offers specific advantages tailored to the needs and aspirations of judo clubs. Here are three main reasons why Judo Connect is a better choice for a judo club compared to using Facebook as their primary social network:
Fighting Fitness Judo
10 months ago
Is your child a team player?

Are they a sore loser?

No one likes losing ... but there is no escaping life is a competition.

Would you like your child to learn how to be a good sportsman?

At the end of each judo battle children bow (rei) to show respect and then shake their partners hands to thank them for the practice.

Learning judo encourages children to brush off their loses and develop the sportsmanship they will need to help them in life.
#martialarts #SportsmanshipJourney #TeamworkSpirit

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