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Judo Connect
1 yr. ago
Choosing the right platform for a judo club's online presence is crucial for its growth and community engagement. While Facebook is a popular and versatile social network, Judo Connect offers specific advantages tailored to the needs and aspirations of judo clubs. Here are three main reasons why Judo Connect is a better choice for a judo club compared to using Facebook as their primary social network:
Ray Stevens Academy
6 months ago
Congratulations to both Olivia and Ed who have earned their Black Belts in Judo and BJJ respectively 🥋

🖤 OLIVIA is now a 1st Dan Black Belt in Judo liv.judo
🖤 ED is now a 1st Degree Black Belt in BJJ dredjudo

Once again, well done to you both. It’s a demonstration of how hard you work and the dedication you have to the sports 💪🏼
#judo #judoblackbelt #bjj #bjjblackbelt #britishjudo #BritishJudoAssociation #BJJLife #judolife #BJJLifestyle #judolifestyle #BJJFamily #JudoFamily #raystevensacademyjudo #RayStevensAcademyBJJ #raystevensacademy
Fighting Fitness Judo
6 months ago
🌟 Annual Break Announcement 🌟

Please note that our club will be closed for a 2-week annual break starting today until 26th August. We hope you enjoy this time to relax, recharge, and maybe even practice some of those moves at home!

We'll be back on the mats, ready to train hard and have fun starting 27th August. Until then, stay safe, stay active, and we’ll see you soon!
#judobreak #seeyousoon #JudoFamily
Dudley Judo Club
6 months ago
🌟 Great Judo Training! 🌟

Both Tuesday& Thursday senior and junior sessions went amazingly well this week. 💪🥋 Proud of everyone’s hard work and progress!
#judo #training #martialarts #judotraining #judothrow #judolife #judokas #JudoFamily #weamdudley #blackcountry
Imperial Judo Club
6 months ago
Judo is ON through the holidays on both Wednesdays Evenings (6:30-8:30) & Saturday Mornings. (10-11 & 11-12:30)🥋
Thanks to the COAST activity fund grant. 🙇🏻‍♂️

Come and join the #JudoFamily on the Tatami (Mat) for a summer of fun, judo is an activity for all ages.
New Starters & Visitors welcome. 👍🏻
Swansea Council #TeamImperial #ThisIsJudo
Imperial Judo Club
6 months ago
The Return of the Sponsored throw challenge! 🥋

Beginning….. September/October 2024. 👍🏻

Raise money for your club & #TeamImperial #JudoFamily
Imperial Judo Club
6 months ago
Golden nuggets from Atlanta Olympic & World Champion Kenzo Nakamura. 🇯🇵
A great watch from the Kodokan collection.
Breaking down his way of doing Uchimata 👌🏻
Following on with his Katame-waza, some nifty turnover variations with finishes. 👏🏻

Nakamura ends his input with some wisdom for the #JudoFamily 👍🏻

【講道館 YouTube公式チャンネル/ KODOKAN Official YouTube Channel】KODOKAN × Japan Foundation Asia Center講道館柔道「技」/ KODOKAN JUDO "WAZA" 中村兼三 / NAKAMURA Kenzo「内股」「固技への入り方」/...
Causeway Judo Club
6 months ago
Judo, like many other martial arts, combines physical activity, self-defence skills, and discipline.
Judo is an excellent sport for children to learn for many different reasons, including to make children more physically healthy, mentally well, and build confidence, self-esteem, and respect for others. #judo #causewayjudo #JudoFamily North Coast Grappling
Causeway Judo Club
6 months ago
Every year on October 28th, the IJF together with the #JudoFamily , celebrates World Judo Day, honoring judo’s founder, Jigoro Kano!🥋 Each year, a theme is chosen to highlight judo’s values, and the theme for 2024 is: WELLBEING 🙏🏼
#judo #WorldJudoDay #WJD2024 #judovalues #wellbeing
Cherry Judo Club
6 months ago
Good luck to Georgie, Beanie, and Isaac competing in the British Adaptive Open in Swansea this weekend!

Wishing you all the best of luck! 💪 Have fun out there!
#BritishAdaptiveOpen #ParaSports #HereToCompete #GoGetEm #communitycomestogether #CherryJudoLincoln2024 #Warriorspirit #JudoFamily #dontletanyonedullyoursparkle #InclusionMatters #FlourishAndGrow #inclusivejudocompetitions #inclusivejudocommunity #adaptivejudo
Cherry Judo Club
6 months ago
Good luck to joe who is leaving us for a little while but will come back stronger than ever.

A mini line up to see him properly spent at the end.
#leftitonthetatami #TeamSpirit #judofamily❤️ #dontlwtanyonestealyoursparkle #mybacksbetterthanyourback #allthebest
Fighting Fitness Judo
6 months ago
🌟 Annual Break Announcement 🌟

Please note that our club will be closed for a 2-week annual break starting today until 26th August. We hope you enjoy this time to relax, recharge, and maybe even practice some of those moves at home!

We'll be back on the mats, ready to train hard and have fun starting 27th August. Until then, stay safe, stay active, and we’ll see you soon!
#judobreak #seeyousoon #JudoFamily
Cherry Judo Club
6 months ago
Another day of competition & people stepping up, pushing themselves. 💪🏅
Good luck to Bill, Will, Tom, Beanie, Joe, Michal, Michael, all competing over in Nottingham. 🍀🏆

Good luck and go smash it! 🎉🔥
#CherryJudoLincoln2024 #communitycomestogether #Warriorspirit #judojourney #JudoFamily #dontletanyonedullyoursparkle #britishjudo #Empowerment #FlourishAndGrow #dontletanyonedullyoursparkle
Cherry Judo Club
6 months ago
A reel shared by britishjudo giving glimpse of the adaptive judo competition at the weekend, which features our very own Georgina.
#inclusion #Empowerment #JudoFamily
Cherry Judo Club
6 months ago
🎉🏆 Notts Kyu Grades July 2024! 🏆🎉

I know the music is soppy, but honestly these boys are a credit to themselves. Michal, Bill, Will, Tom, Beanie, Michael, and Joe all stepped up and walked away with a haul of medals, and heads held high.

Their camaraderie is incredible - going toe-to-toe and then cheering each other on from the sidelines.

Well done, fellas! What a great day at the office. 👏💪
#proudcoach #TeamSpirit #champions #everyonesawinner #JudoFamily #dontletanyonedullyoursparkle #competitionisgoodforthesoul
Cherry Judo Club
6 months ago
Good luck to joe who is leaving us for a little while but will come back stronger than ever.

A mini line up to see him properly spent at the end.
#leftitonthetatami #TeamSpirit #judofamily❤️ #dontlwtanyonestealyoursparkle #mybacksbetterthanyourback #allthebest
Cherry Judo Club
6 months ago
📢 Attention Parents & Players! 📢

We have just sent out important emails regarding:

• Grading updates (please check and update ASAP)
• Summer closure details
• Summer BBQ (payment due by 10th August)

Please check your inbox and action accordingly. Thank you!
#ClubUpdates #grading #SummerClosure #SummerBBQ #ActionRequired #CherryJudoLincoln2024 #wearegbjudo🇬🇧🥋 #JudoFamily
Cherry Judo Club
6 months ago
I’m sure the picture will resonate.
Struggling with mental health?

You’re not alone.

Judo can be a powerful tool for improving your well-being. From physical exercise to building confidence and resilience, judo offers many benefits that can help you feel better. Physical and of course the feeling of family and friendships!!!

Remember, it’s okay not to be okay. Let’s talk and support each other.

#itsokaynottobeokay #ITSOKAYTOTALK #doorisalwaysopen #JudoFamily
#itsokaynottobeokay #ITSOKAYTOTALK #doorisalwaysopen

True 🥲🤣🤣🤣

(Idea & design : JUDO Spirit )
Fighting Fitness Judo
6 months ago
🌟 Annual Break Announcement 🌟

Please note that our club will be closed for a 2-week annual break starting today until 26th August. We hope you enjoy this time to relax, recharge, and maybe even practice some of those moves at home!

We'll be back on the mats, ready to train hard and have fun starting 27th August. Until then, stay safe, stay active, and we’ll see you soon!
#judobreak #seeyousoon #JudoFamily
High Wycombe Judo Centre
6 months ago
Thank you to Krav Maga Elite Essex for hiring our dojo for the whole weekend for some very impressive self defence training. Such a lovely group.

If you want to hire our facilities send us a DM or email infowycombejudocentre.co.uk
#martialarts #martialartstraining #Dojo #dojoforhire #highwycombe #judo #judotraining #JudoFamily
Causeway Judo Club
6 months ago
Judo, like many other martial arts, combines physical activity, self-defence skills, and discipline.
Judo is an excellent sport for children to learn for many different reasons, including to make children more physically healthy, mentally well, and build confidence, self-esteem, and respect for others. #judo #causewayjudo #JudoFamily North Coast Grappling
Causeway Judo Club
6 months ago
Every year on October 28th, the IJF together with the #JudoFamily , celebrates World Judo Day, honoring judo’s founder, Jigoro Kano!🥋 Each year, a theme is chosen to highlight judo’s values, and the theme for 2024 is: WELLBEING 🙏🏼
#judo #WorldJudoDay #WJD2024 #judovalues #wellbeing
Neyland Judo Club
6 months ago
NJC Summer School is over and out!

Wow, what a week of judo we've had!

Well done to all the kids that have attended this week, you've all been an absolute pleasure to teach. Fantastic ambassadors for the sport! You've all been little champs and, as champions, earned well-deserved medals for your efforts!

Big thanks to Damon for giving up his very precious free time to coach this week!

More photos etc. To come!
#Teamkrushem will see you all in training next week!

Welsh Judo Association #judo #judokids #JudoCymru #summerschool #JudoForKids #grassrootsports #judofun #JudoFamily
Canterbury Judokwai
6 months ago
Why not come and try a free judo class and learn the ‘Gentle Way’ of Judo. Learn takedowns, sweeps, pinning and much more!

Kids class 6.15-7.15pm ( age 5-16 years old )
#judo #judolife #judolove #judotraining #JudoFamily #judocoach #judocompetition #judoclub #JudoTeam #judotechnique #judocanterbury #canterbury #judokwai #judothrow #JudoFight #JudoSkills #JudoChampion #judofitness #JudoSpirit
St Albans Judo Club
6 months ago
As we build a more complete history of St. Albans Judo Club from 1950 to today, it’s our first 25 years that are least documented - not surprising with the passage of time. We do have these great photos from the Club Championships in 1967 though!

The height of this Dan grade’s ukemi is impressive, especially given the mats were packed with straw at the time! We’d love to track down any judoka who remember those early years…🥋 #JudoFamily #judoclub #judo #sajudo
Shinken Shobu Ryu
6 months ago
Every year on October 28th, the IJF together with the #JudoFamily , celebrates World Judo Day, honoring judo’s founder, Jigoro Kano!🥋 Each year, a theme is chosen to highlight judo’s values, and the theme for 2024 is: WELLBEING 🙏🏼
#judo #WorldJudoDay #WJD2024 #judovalues #wellbeing
Imperial Judo Club
6 months ago
The Return of the Sponsored throw challenge! 🥋

Beginning….. September/October 2024. 👍🏻

Raise money for your club & #TeamImperial #JudoFamily
Imperial Judo Club
6 months ago
Golden nuggets from Atlanta Olympic & World Champion Kenzo Nakamura. 🇯🇵
A great watch from the Kodokan collection.
Breaking down his way of doing Uchimata 👌🏻
Following on with his Katame-waza, some nifty turnover variations with finishes. 👏🏻

Nakamura ends his input with some wisdom for the #JudoFamily 👍🏻

【講道館 YouTube公式チャンネル/ KODOKAN Official YouTube Channel】KODOKAN × Japan Foundation Asia Center講道館柔道「技」/ KODOKAN JUDO "WAZA" 中村兼三 / NAKAMURA Kenzo「内股」「固技への入り方」/...
Imperial Judo Club
6 months ago
#ThrowbackThursday to Ioan & Evie training together working on their Osaekomi- waza during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Judo gives us discipline and determination, that can get us through difficult times not only on the Mat but in life also. #TeamImperial #JudoFamily
Imperial Judo Club
6 months ago
Every year on October 28th, the IJF together with the #JudoFamily , celebrates World Judo Day, honoring judo’s founder, Jigoro Kano!🥋 Each year, a theme is chosen to highlight judo’s values, and the theme for 2024 is: WELLBEING 🙏🏼
#judo #WorldJudoDay #WJD2024 #judovalues #wellbeing
Canterbury Judokwai
7 months ago
Why not come and try a free judo class and learn the ‘Gentle Way’ of Judo. Learn takedowns, sweeps, pinning and much more!

Kids class 6.15-7.15pm ( age 5-16 years old )
#judo #judolife #judolove #judotraining #JudoFamily #judocoach #judocompetition #judoclub #JudoTeam #judotechnique #judocanterbury #canterbury #judokwai #judothrow #JudoFight #JudoSkills #JudoChampion #judofitness #JudoSpirit

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